Day 2: Dome Land to Jackass Creek

15 May 2024 Woodpecker Trail to Mahogany Creek Trail to Jackass National Recreation Trail (19 miles, +3,800/-3,300 feet). Today I hiked the Woodpecker Trail. The official Sequoia National Forest website for this trail notes that “rattlesnakes are prevalent” and the terrain is “very arduous.” That’s an understatement! But fortunately it was worth it. I awoke…

Day 1: Kernville to Dome Land

14 May 2024 Cannell Meadow Trail to Deadwood Trail to Woodpecker Trail (23 miles, +7,400/-2,800 feet). Wow! I knew there would be a lot of climbing today. I wasn’t sure I would survive 7,000 feet. But I did! I should start by saying that this is day one of a crazy adventure. It’s still pretty…