Back to Horseshoe Meadow

27 July 2023 Cottonwood Lakes Trail (6 miles, +200/-1,200 feet). One last day in Paradise. We agreed to meet at the car at 3. And then UltraShuffle, Half Cookie, and I took one last tour of the meadows to the east of the Cottonwood Lakes. Meanwhile another crew was busy showing off. Back in San…

High Lake and South Fork Lakes

26 July 2023 Ramble from Cottonwood Lakes to High Lake (6 miles, +700/-700 feet). UltraShuffle was so taken with High Lake on our excursion to New Army Pass that he wanted to take the whole gang there. So today we mounted a group expedition. So High Lake was a lot colder. Like 33 degrees cold….

Muir Lake and Hidden Lake

25 July 2023 Ramble to Muir Lake and Hidden Lake (4 miles, +400/-400 feet). What a crazy night! The wind went non-stop until early morning. The predawn light had a very calm-after-the-storm vibe. Today I led some off country excursions to two lakes outside the main basin. The first was Muir Lake, which we approached…

New Army Pass

24 July 2023 Cottonwood Lakes to New Army Pass (8 miles, +1.400/-1,400 feet). Today some folks wanted to fish, some wanted to chill out, and some wanted to hike. I was very curious to see whether it would be possible to go over New Army Pass to get to Miter Basin, so I led an…

Cottonwod Lakes

23 July 2023 Cottonwood Lakes Trail (6 miles, +1,200/-200 feet). Time again for another adventure with UltraShuffle! And this time he brought his whole family! We originally planned to tackle Whitney again, this time from the trailhead at Horseshoe Meadow. And we wanted to pass through Miter Basin on the way. But the Snowpocalypse of…

The Gallatin Crest

Gallatin Crest to Cliff Creek Trail (13 miles, +1,700/-5,200 feet). Today was a tale of two trails.  It was the best of trails, it was the worst of trails…. Last night we did not get as much rain as I expected.  It was enough to make it cozy sleeping in the tent but not so…

Hyalite Creek Trail

Hyalite Creek Trail to Crater Lake (12 miles, +4,500/-2,000 feet). My buddy UltraShuffle called me a few months ago saying he had a wedding in Bozeman, Montana coming up, and could we please go hiking in Glacier National Park? Sure, no problem! So I designed a trip, we went back and forth on the details,…

Filling the Gap

Garnet Lake to Agnew Meadows (8 miles, +1,100/-2,500 feet). Our last day on trail was super easy and surprisingly pretty.  The main virtue of today’s route for me (other than the burger and beer at its end!) was to see part of the John Muir Trail I had to abandon on an earlier trip where…

Clinch Pass

Lower Twin Island Lake to Garnet Lake (11 miles, +3,200/-3,100 feet). Today was one of those happy accidents.  I have frequently found that Plan Bs end up being better than Plan As, maybe not because they are objectively better, but because they often involve surprise. I had no idea how spectacular the upper basin of…