Day 3: Cirque-Trailmaster Ridge

3 June 2024 Miter Basin to Soldier Lake Trail to Mount Langley Trail to the Cirque-Trailmaster Ridge to Horseshoe Meadow (13 miles, +2,200/-3,900 feet). I’d like to say that I enjoyed my stunning campsite last night. But I had a great deal of trouble sleeping. I was worried about getting back down the granite slabs…

Day 2: Boreal Plateau to Miter Basin

2 June 2024 Rocky Basin Lakes to Boreal Plateau to Funston Lake to Forgotten Canyon to Rock Creek Trail to Sky Blue Lake (15 miles, +3,200/-2,400 feet). It was surprisingly warm last night! I actually shed layers over time to keep from overheating. A bit before sunrise I started to pack and by the time…

Day 1: The Golden Sequoia Divide

1 June 2024 Cottonwood Pass Trail to Pacific Crest Trail to Rocky Basin Lakes via the Golden Sequoia Divide (12 miles, +2,700/-1,800 feet). I love early season trips in the Sierra! Long days, reasonable temperatures, beautiful snow fields, gorgeous lakes that still have some ice, and best of all — no bugs! Also there is…

Day 4: Templeton Mountain to Carroll Creek

17 May 2024 Mulkey Meadow – Templeton Meadow Trail to Trail Pass to Horseshoe Meadow to Horseshoe Meadow Road (23 miles, +3,000/-6,200 feet). Last night was my coldest yet — 36 degrees according to my Garmin. I experimented with different positions and various states of dress last night and settled on being in my bag…

Day 3: Jackass Creek to Templeton Mountain

16 May 2024 Jackass Creek Trail to Broder Meadow to Monache Meadow to Bakeoven Trail (21 miles, +3,000/2,100 feet). I awoke chilled this morning, so I was eager to get going. Movement always warms me! Sequoia National Forest is very nice, but these OHV trails between the wilderness areas are a bit annoying. They frequently…

Day 3: A New Trail Over Cottonwood Pass

20 May 2022 Big Whitney Meadow to Horseshoe Meadow (7 miles, +1,500/-1,300 feet). Although I camped in a good spot last night, I had trouble sleeping again. I feel like all of a sudden I don’t know what to do with my arms on the sleeping pad! It’s weird because usually I feel quite cozy…

Day 2: Volcano Meadow

19 May 2022 Overholster Meadow to McConnel Meadow to Tunnel Meadow to Volcano Meadow to Little Whitney Meadow to Big Whitney Meadow(20.1 miles, +3,600 / 2,900 feet). Today was beautiful but lonely. I don’t know exactly why I’ve been struggling so much with solitude lately, but it is what it is. I was originally planning…

Day 1: Off Trail in Golden Trout

18 May 2022 Horseshoe Meadow to Dutch Meadow to the PCT to East Potholes to Freckles Meadow to Overholster Meadow (14 miles, + 2,000/-2,900 feet) It’s been an exceptionally dry winter in the Sierra, so I have been eyeing the weather to take advantage of the premature snow melt. The southern Sierra always melts first,…

Army Pass and the Earthquake!

24 June 2020 Sequoia National Park boundary on the PCT to Army Pass to Horseshoe Meadows (13 miles, +1,600/-3,300 feet). After being so depressed yesterday afternoon I awoke feeling somewhat better.  But I still thought I should postpone a Miter Basin trip, so I packed up my things and made my way towards Army Pass….